Francesca Glenn Psychotherapy & Supervision

Baby Bonding Project and the Circle of Security@08 This page is being redesigned

I have a background in nursing and midwifery and 20 years working in the voluntary sector as well as many years in the NHS as psychological therapist.

I have specialisms in working with trauma and attachment difficulties in adults. Over many years I have worked a lot with young parents and infants using a Parent-Infant psychotherapy approach and offer an attachment based parenting program. I offer bespoke programmes to groups and couples in attachment parentingCircle of Security Educator. Please contact me for details of the next program beginning September 2022.
Through videos, discussions and reflective practise this wonderful approach will enhance your understanding of your child and enrich your understanding of yourself at the same time. It will provide you with a road map to understand your Childs needs, feelings and different behaviour, whatever it might look and discover your child needs connection with you.

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